Is the DIY approach to comms and marketing working for you?

Most people wouldn’t dream of rewiring their own house or installing their own boiler.

Why? Because these are tasks that require years of training and experience, and are fraught with legal requirements.

We all have a go at doing a few odd jobs around the house from time to time, but things tend to go wrong when DIYers don’t know their own limits and try to tackle a job beyond their skill level.

Most of the time there’s no harm done. The end result might not be up to professional standards, and it might have taken a bit longer – but it was probably cheaper and maybe even fairly enjoyable to do.

But if something goes wrong with your DIY you can easily find yourself unexpectedly dealing with a flood or a blowing a fuse.

Talk to any electrician or plumber and they’ll be able to tell you tales of the DIY bodge jobs they’ve been called into fix over the years. Sometimes, it’s just better to leave it to a professional.

The same, of course, is true of your communications and marketing. Many businesses and business owners try to take a DIY approach these essential functions.

And while they may be able to muddle through the basics, there are some tasks that need the attention of an experienced professional.

True, the DIY approach may be cheaper. But is it really the best use of your time? Are you really reaching the right audiences? Are you GDPR compliant? Would you know what to do if something went wrong?

Bringing in the experts to support your comms and marketing means you can stop trying to DIY it and instead make the right connections with your target audiences and avoid getting in hot water through ignorance of media and data protection law.

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